Peter Schwartz

In Defense of Selfishness—Update

In Defense of Selfishness: Why the Code of Self-Sacrifice Is Unjust and Destructive is now 99 days from publication—June 2, 2015. I’m working on the final page proofs, which should be finished by the end of February. The jacket copy is complete. The index is done and it looks great—which is a non-biased comment on my part, since it was prepared not by me but by my wife, Sandra. And endorsement blurbs are coming in to the publisher. I must note that I’ve been extremely pleased at how professional, and how easy to work with, the editors at Palgrave Macmillan have been.

The book will initially be out in hardcover and on Kindle, as well as in an audio version. You will  even see it at some Hudson News airport outlets.

My agent, Mendel Media Group, has secured foreign-translation rights with Finnish and Russian publishers, and is optimistic about getting agreements with other foreign publishers.

No news yet on any movie-rights :)

You can pre-order the book here♦♦

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